I chose mine because I live in the country. Very imaginative. Hehheheh.
why did you choose the nickname you did for this forum??
also who do you think has the coolest/funniest/weirdest name on the board?
i choose kelpie because that is my partner's nickname for me as my initials are klp.
I chose mine because I live in the country. Very imaginative. Hehheheh.
i have received a reply from the society regarding this issue.
sorry, no scanner but quoted below .there was just an introduction and concluding paragraph in addition to this :-.
"after looking into the matter when it was first raised, we found that none of the legal corporations used by the governing body in caring for the kingdom interests own stock in rand cam corporation or any associate company involved in developing the diesel engine in question.
Does it really *matter*? I have presented my pioneer Mother with *all* this evidence, including evidence of the UN involvement.. and she just says "People all try to twist the truth." "If they spent more time trying to preach the truth, then they would have less time to tell lies. She is in the most ultimate denial. Why bother? I am so tired with that nonsense.. by bother.
Country girl
she is a wonderful lady and was floored when she found out how wide spread this is.
I certainly don't wanna be a "rabble rowzer" .. oh.. okay.. I do. But I think it would be *fine* if someone found out where Fitzwater went to and maybe warned the congregations so he can't find any other victims. I would also hope that someone POSTED his face on lots of web sites so that the JW's could be warned about him. It's very important that he not get the chance to molest ANY MORE children. The Jay Dubs obviously aren't going to do any policing.. he's just going free in February to molest MORE children. He molested 17 children.. do you think he's gonna stop NOW? I think not...
this morning on the way to work, i burst into song.
not just any song ... but the heretofore forbidden "star spangled banner".
i just felt like singing and i wanted to sing something challenging and it seemed like the perfect choice.
Surreptitious: Actually "innuendo" is what a country girl says when a bird flies innuendo... <grin>
I can wear a cross, a charm bracelet, and vote, and sing the Star Spangled Banner. Those are my favorite things. I absolutely just get into tears when I hear that song!
Edited by - country girl on 26 November 2002 19:58:14
remember going to conventions during the mid 80's?
sisters all dolled up in lolly-wrapper dresses of sparly taffeta with balloon sleeves and brothers strutting about with shiny grey siuts with narrow lapels and black leather ties?
ooooh what a look that was!
My worst outfit was when I was dressed up in the costume of the Little Israelite Girl in the drama of Naaman. It was horrible. I didn't score any points iwth the local gentry.... but the old people *loved it*... <grin>
it seems to me that in the u.s. most anything religious is always considered a good thing.
nearly all media go out of their way for religious organizations in ways they rarely would for anything else.
for all the religion bashing whining that the christians do in this country, i rarely see anything in public that bashes religion any more than anything or anyone else.
What I wanna know IronGland, is if you loaned this guy the camping gear. And if you did, did you get it back? Inquiring Land Mines wanna know.
g'day cobbers.. i realise that there is no 1 bestest post, it is relative and subjective, but i ask for your personal all time favourite.. one that made you exited about being involved with this forum, look forward to getting back online and furthering it etc.. i remember the ol' days of h2o where all the heavyweights were, that ros came out with the gb post, remember that.
wow was that exciting.
personally my all time fav post,undisputedly, was hillary's "ferryman".. that was as close to perfection as i have read or could imagine.
I think my favorite post was when somebody posted about the secret of life... and then I just started laughing.
who out there watches this show?
i enjoy the show (i usually find myself laughing at the disaster designs).. any comments about the show?
what do you think about the "graveyard" designer?
I live in a log house and I would be *devastated* if they painted my cozy cabin walls! I love to watch Frank, he's *so* funny! My husband is in *love* with Genevieve. He tries to disguise it by saying she is "interesting"... but I know better <wink wink nudge nudge>. Vern's decorating is usually sophisticated, elegant and understated. He's also pretty much always pleasant... Hildie is a snob. I love that show, too, and the UK one "Changing Rooms."
since thanksgiving is upon us i thought i would start a thread on pies.
i make the same pie pretty much every year cuz it always disappears and i don't have to worry about eaitng thanksgiving pie on xmas day..please share your fave pie recipe and do try this version of classic pecan pie.. chocolate pecan pie.
3 eggs, lightly beaten.
Good Ole Boy/Gal Pie
1 9 inch deep dish pie crust
1 cup cling peaches
1 cup cooked and mashed sweet potatoes
2/3 cup evaporated milk
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 eggs lightly beaten (not egg abuse!)
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp of pumpkin pie spice
1/2 cup chopped pecans
Preheat over to 350. Mix ingredients and put into pie shell. Put pecans around edge of pie. Bake for 40 minutes or until golden brown.
thanks, americans, that really nice of you.
englishman.. this statement lead me to thinking something.
i am not posting this to argue, cause a flame war, or the like.
There's nothing surprising about Americans. We all, despite what the media puts out, want the same thing as you. We want a peaceful homeland in which to speak our voice, raise our famililes, make a living. Is that surprising? It shouldn't be. We're no different from you. What our government does is a LOT different from what we want. Just as it is with you. We VOTE them into government.. but after awhile they are lulled by the cash of movements.. and they begin to vote in favor of the movements. They're fooling us as much as they are fooling you. We *do* want peace.
Most Amerians are good people. That could be seen right after 9/11 when we poured fourth our $ and our blood to help everyone. They were turning us away at the doors. Americans are very generous. Do you know that we have our OWN homeless people that are starving in the streets, our own children who have nothing to eat.. and yet we still give most of our tax money to support other countries? Does that make sense? What is wrong with *that* picture? We provide billions of dollars to help other countries with their health problems (mostly HIV), providing money and troops to slavic countries so they won't be exterminated? And what we get is disdain from these armed countries? It's a crazy world... thta's for sure. We give billions of dollars to the world outside of our borders to help people that are having problems and all we get is a kick in the butt. What they say is to not bite the h and that feeds you.
We have millions of Amercians paying taxes so that YOUR world can be free.. of harm, of violence, of rape.... and you would have the nerve to spit on us. That's okay.. cuz you moight spit on us one too many times. We might have the chance to find out how well this money would work in OUR world.